Making My Home Energy CountMaking My Home Energy Count

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Making My Home Energy Count

Instead of completely ignoring my home energy usage, my wife and I sat down and made a plan for how we were going to cut back. We decided to turn our home thermostat up a few degrees to help with the cooling bill, and we also worked on keeping lights off. It was amazing to see how much of a difference our little changes made. We were able to enjoy a more comfortable home, a more manageable power bill, and a healthier conscience, all because of our little plan. This blog is all about making your home energy count and knowing how to cut your usage.



Four Ways That Stormwater Can Damage Your Residential Property

If you've recently become a homeowner for the first time, you've probably already done a lot of research on home maintenance topics. However, one topic that frequently gets overlooked is stormwater maintenance — and this approach can result in unnecessary damage to your property. Here's what you need to know about minimizing and even preventing four potential types of damage using the right stormwater maintenance techniques. Foundation Damage One of the most severe and costly consequences of stormwater is foundation damage. Read More 

Everything You Need To Know About Metrology Laboratory Services

Metrology laboratory services play a critical role in ensuring product quality and compliance. Inaccurate measurements can lead to faulty products, which can cause safety issues and financial losses. Here's what you need to know about metrology laboratory services and how they help you ensure product quality.   What are metrology laboratory services? Metrology laboratory services are those that deal with the measurement of physical quantities. This can include anything from length and width measurements to more complex ones such as electrical current or heat capacity. Read More 

Tired Of High Electric Bills? 3 Reasons You Should Switch To Solar

If you're tired of giving your money to the electric company every month and seeing no return on your investment, it's time to switch to solar power. Utilizing the sun to power your home is not only good for the environment, it's good for you. Once the solar panels are installed on your home, you'll be using renewable energy to for all your power needs. Not sure solar panels are for you? Read More 

3 Signs That You Should Have Your Well Water Tested

If you have a well, you might not pay much attention to it when it is working properly. However, this does not mean that it does not need special attention every now and then. For example, it is important to have your well water tested regularly to ensure that it is fully safe for you and your family to drink and use. These are a few signs that it's time to work with a water-testing company to have your well water tested. Read More 

Organize a Neighborhood Trash-Collection Activity for Your Youth Group to Participate in

If you are a youth group leader and are attempting to teach the students who are in your care about the impact that trash has on society and how it can cause the environment to be dirty and unpleasant, organize a trash-collection activity to beautify the community that you live in. The following tips will assist with holding a successful garbage-removal event and may encourage the children to continue doing their part in the future by throwing litter in waste containers. Read More